Warranty Overview

All warranty information associated with an active unit can be managed in the Warranties section of the platform. When a repair order is created, the platform will automatically cross-reference your warranties to maximize cost savings.

To get to the Warranties section, tap the Warranties option on the navigation menu.

Warranty Status

Warranties can have the following status:

  1. Active - This status means that the warranty is active and tracked in the platform.
  2. Deleted - This status means that the warranty is deleted, and not tracked (NOTE: warranties with a deleted status will be permanently deleted after a period of time).

Adding Warranties

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, and Driver users.*

If the warranty information and conditions matches a task that is being added to a repair order, the user creating the repair order will be prompted to claim the warranty. To add a warranty:

  1. Within Warranties, tap the Add Warranty option.
  2. Within the Add section:
    1. Select the Group and Unit(s) you would like to add the warranty to.
    2. Next, select the System Code and System-Component Code(s) to cover (if you want to cover all System-Component Codes under the seleted System Code, don't select any System-Component Codes).
    3. Alternatively, tap the  Multi-select System Code... button to add warranties for multiple System Codes all at once. Note that you cannot select specific System-Component Codes when adding warranties using the multi-select functionality (but you can always add them later using the update functionality).
    4. Select the Starting Date, Starting Mileage, and/or Starting Engine Hours. If multiple units are selected, you can add separate starting dates/miles/engine hours for each unit by tapping the  Per unit... button.
    5. Select an optional Supplier, and configure the Warranty Conditions.
    6. Finally, add optional Notes.
    7. Tap the Add button.
  3. Within the Bulk Add section:
    1. Enter a single VIN, or enter multiple VINs on separate lines. There should be NO blank VINs.
    2. Next, enter in System Code, and optionally enter in System-Component Code (separate multiple values using commas), Starting Date, Starting Mileage, Starting Engine Hours, Supplier, Warranty Years, Warranty Miles, Warranty Engine Hours, and/or Notes. Note that the number of entries for each option must match the number of VINs in order to sync properly when bulk adding.
    3. Tap the Preview button.
    4. On the preview screen, you will get a chance to review all the details in an organized grid format. Review all the details to make sure everything is correct.
    5. Tap the Confirm button if everything is correct, or tap the Cancel button to go back and edit.

Warranty Templates

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, and Driver users.*

After a warranty is added, a template can be saved to quickly add the same warranty configuration to other units.

To save a Warranty Template:

  1. Within Warranties, tap on the warranty line item that you would like to create a template for.
  2. Tap the option at the top of the warranty dialog window.
  3. Next, enter the Template Name. You can then choose to save a template of just the selected warranty, or all warranties associated with the selected unit.
  4. Tap the Save button.
  5. Note that the template is linked to the selected warranty/unit - modifying the linked warranty and/or the warranties associated with the unit will modify the template.

To use a Warranty Template:

  1. Within Warranties, tap the Add Warranty option.
  2. Select the Bulk Add tab.
  3. If a saved template is available, a Templates option will be available.
  4. Select the appropriate template(s) and optionally enter Starting Date, Starting Mileage, and/or Starting Engine Hours. Note that the number of entries for each option must match the number of VINs in order to sync properly when bulk adding.
  5. Tap the Preview button.
  6. On the preview screen, you will get a chance to review all the details in an organized grid format. Review all the details to make sure everything is correct.
  7. Tap the Confirm button if everything is correct, or tap the Cancel button to go back and edit.

Updating Warranties

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, and Driver users.*

To update a warranty:

  1. Within Warranties, tap on the warranty that you would like to update.
  2. Update the values you would like to change.
  3. Tap the Update button to update, or the Delete button if you would like to delete the warranty altogether.

Managing Suppliers

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, and Driver users.*

When adding a unit warranty, an optional Supplier can be provided. To manage suppliers, tap the Manage Suppliers option within Warranties.

There are two options available: Add Supplier, and Edit Supplier:

  1. Add Supplier - To add a new supplier(s), enter in the Supplier Name, Email, and any other additional information that you have available. Next, tap the Preview button to review, then press the Confirm button.
  2. Edit Supplier - If at least one supplier has been added, the option to edit will be available. After selecting a supplier and modifying the information, tap the Update button to save. To delete a supplier, select the supplier you would like to delete then tap the Delete button. A supplier cannot be deleted if there is an active PO rule associated with the supplier.

After adding a supplier, it will be available to select when adding/updating inventory, creating purchase orders, and/or adding/updating unit warranties.

Creating Warranty Claims

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, and Driver users.*

Warranty claims can be used to track and manage all outstanding warranty claims. To add a warranty claim:

  1. Within Warranties, tap on the Claims tab.
  2. Next, tap the Create Claim option.
  3. Select the Group, Unit Number, and Supplier.
  4. Tap the Create button.

After a warranty claim has been created, add a line item(s):

  1. Tap the Add Line Item option.
  2. If the warranty claim should be linked to a specific repair order, enter the Repair Order #.
  3. Next, select the Type of line item you are entering. If the Repair Order # links to an existing repair order, you can select from the existing labor and/or parts associated with that repair order.
  4. Select the Quantity and Unit Price.
  5. Tap the Add button to add the line item.

Note that all lines on the warranty claim with a icon can be edited (the status of the claim will impact which lines are editable).

Alternatively, a warranty claim can be added during the repair order process:

  1. While adding and/or editing a repair order task, select Yes on the Warranty Claim option.
  2. Next, check the Create Claim option.
  3. Select Claim Labor Rate, Claim Labor Hours, and enter an optional Note.
  4. Tap the Add or Update button.
  5. While adding and/or editing a repair order part, select Yes on the Warranty Claim option.
  6. Next, check the Create Claim option.
  7. Select Claim Part Price, Claim Quantity, and enter an optional Note.
  8. Tap the Add or Update button.

Opening a Warranty Claim

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, and Driver users.*

A warranty claim starts in an editable Draft format after it is created. Once you have completed editing the warranty claim:

  1. Tap the Open Claim option.
  2. Tap the Yes button to confirm.
  3. Once the status is set to Open, only the Amount Paid on each line item can be edited (this value should be updated as claims are paid). You can view/print the open claim by tapping the View Claim option.

* Vendors can also access these features, if the vendor adds a Customer user and has that customer selected in Search