Scheduled Maintenance Overview

The Scheduled Maintenance section of the platform allows customers to easily manage scheduled maintenance on their active units.

To get to the Scheduled Maintenance section, tap the Scheduled Maintenance option on the navigation menu.

Scheduled Maintenance Status

Scheduled maintenance can have the following status:

  1. Scheduled - This status means that the scheduled maintenance is currently active and on the schedule.
  2. Repair Order - This status means that the scheduled maintenance has been processed, and a repair order was created.
  3. Deleted - This status means that the scheduled maintenance has been deleted (NOTE: scheduled maintenance with a deleted status will be permanently deleted after a period of time).

Adding Scheduled Maintenance

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, Technician, Driver, and Lessee users.

To add a scheduled maintenance:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, tap the Add to Schedule option.
  2. Within the Add section:
    1. Select which Unit Number(s) will receive the scheduled maintenance.
    2. Select the System Code and System-Component Code of the scheduled maintenance.
    3. Select the Starting Date, Starting Mileage, and/or Starting Engine Hrs. If the interval is set to days, Starting Date is used as a starting point. If the interval is set to miles, Starting Mileage is used as a starting point. If the interval is set to engine hours, Starting Engine Hrs is used as a starting point. If multiple units are selected, you can add separate starting dates/miles/engine hours for each unit by tapping the  Per unit... button.
    4. Configure the Scheduled Maintenance Interval:
      • Select either Recurring or One-Time maintenance. If recurring is selected, a new instance of this maintenance will automatically be scheduled after a repair order is created.
      • Select the number of days, miles, and/or engine hours that will trigger the maintenance notification. If multiple options are selected, the platform will use whichever event happens first.
    5. Add optional Notes to the scheduled maintenance.
    6. Tap the Add button.
  3. Within the Bulk Add section:
    1. Enter a single VIN, or enter multiple VINs on separate lines. There should be NO blank VINs.
    2. Optionally, enter in System-Component Code, Starting Date, Starting Mileage, Starting Engine Hrs, Scheduled Interval, Interval Days, Interval Miles, Interval Engine Hrs, and/or Notes. Note that the number of entries for each option must match the number of VINs in order to sync properly when bulk adding.
    3. Tap the Preview button.
    4. On the preview screen, you will get a chance to review all the details in an organized grid format. Review all the details to make sure everything is correct.
    5. Tap the Confirm button if everything is correct, or tap the Cancel button to go back and edit.

Scheduled Maintenance Templates

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, Technician, Driver, and Lessee users.

After a scheduled maintenance is added, a template can be saved to quickly add the same scheduled maintenance configuration to other units.

To save a Schedule Template:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, tap on the scheduled maintenance item that you would like to create a template for.
  2. Tap the option at the top of the scheduled maintenance dialog window.
  3. Next, enter the Template Name. You can then choose to save a template of just the selected scheduled maintenance, or all scheduled maintenance associated with the selected unit.
  4. Tap the Save button.
  5. Note that the template is linked to the selected scheduled maintenance/unit - modifying the linked scheduled maintenance and/or the scheduled maintenance associated with the unit will modify the template.

To use a Schedule Template:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, tap the Add to Schedule option.
  2. Select the Bulk Add tab.
  3. If a saved template is available, a Templates option will be available.
  4. Select the appropriate template(s) and optionally enter Starting Date, Starting Mileage, and/or Starting Engine Hrs. Note that the number of entries for each option must match the number of VINs in order to sync properly when bulk adding.
  5. Tap the Preview button.
  6. On the preview screen, you will get a chance to review all the details in an organized grid format. Review all the details to make sure everything is correct.
  7. Tap the Confirm button if everything is correct, or tap the Cancel button to go back and edit.

Updating Scheduled Maintenance

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, Technician, Driver, and Lessee users.

To update a scheduled maintenance:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, tap on the scheduled maintenance item that you would like to update.
  2. Select the General tab.
  3. Update the values you would like to change.
  4. Tap the Update button to update, or the Delete button if you would like to delete the scheduled maintenance altogether.

Scheduled Maintenance Triggers

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, Technician, Driver, and Lessee users.

When scheduled maintenance is added to an RO, it can trigger the completion of additional scheduled maintenance on the same unit. To setup a trigger:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, tap on the scheduled maintenance item that you would like to update.
  2. Select the Triggers tab.
  3. Select the System-Component Code(s) of the scheduled maintenance that should also be completed anytime the selected scheduled maintenance is added to an RO.
  4. Tap the Update button.

Tagging Scheduled Maintenance

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, Technician, Driver, and Lessee users.

Custom tag(s) can be added to scheduled maintenance, which can then be used as an additional filtering option. To tag scheduled maintenance:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, tap on a line item to view the scheduled maintenance dialog window.
  2. Tap the option at the top of the scheduled maintenance dialog window.
  3. Next, select the tag(s) you'd like to add to the scheduled maintenance under the Available Tags tab, or create a new tag under the Create Tag tab.
  4. Tap the Update button.

Creating a Repair Order

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

When a scheduled maintenance item is due, the line item will have a red tint and you will receive a dashboard notification (there will be a yellow tint when the line item is almost due - the definition of almost due can be customized in settings). To promote a scheduled maintenance into a repair order:

  1. Within Scheduled Maintenance, locate the due maintenance from the list and tap on the row.
  2. Tap the Create RO button to turn the scheduled maintenance into a repair order.
  3. Alternatively, if a repair order is already in progress on a unit that has scheduled maintenance due, you can tap the Add Task button while editing the RO.

* Customers, Customer Admins, and Managers can also access these features, if the customer adds a Vendor user to their account.