Inventory Overview

The Inventory section of the platform allows for inventory management, and provides a list of all parts added by a Vendor. Before a part can be added to a repair order, it must first be added to the Vendor's inventory. Inventory reporting is available in the Inventory section of Analytics.

To get to the Inventory section, tap the Inventory option on the navigation menu.

Parts Status

Parts can have the following status:

  1. Available - This status means that the part is currently available and can be added to a repair order.
  2. Archived - This status means that the part is available for historical records, but no longer available to add to new repair orders.

Managing Suppliers

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

When adding part inventory, an optional Supplier can be provided. To manage suppliers, tap Options within Inventory and then select the Manage Suppliers option.

There are two options available: Add Supplier, and Edit Supplier:

  1. Add Supplier - To add a new supplier(s), enter in the Supplier Name, Email, and any other additional information that you have available. Next, tap the Preview button to review, then press the Confirm button.
  2. Edit Supplier - If at least one supplier has been added, the option to edit will be available. After selecting a supplier and modifying the information, tap the Update button to save. To delete a supplier, select the supplier you would like to delete then tap the Delete button. A supplier cannot be deleted if there is an active PO rule associated with the supplier.

After adding a supplier, it will be available to select when adding/updating inventory, creating purchase orders, and/or adding/updating unit warranties.

Managing Bins

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

When adding a part, an optional Bin can be selected. To manage bins, tap Options within Inventory and then select the Manage Bins option.

There are two options available: Add Bin, and Edit Bin:

  1. Add Bin - To add a new bin, enter in the Bin Name and tap the Add button.
  2. Edit Bin - If at least one bin has been added, the option to edit will be available. To edit a bin name, select the bin and enter in the new name, then tap the Update button. To delete a bin, select the bin you would like to delete then tap the Delete button. A bin cannot be deleted if there are available parts associated with the bin (in this case, you may want to archive the part).

After adding a bin, it will be available to select when adding a new part. You can edit the bin associated with an existing part(s) by:

  1. Within Inventory, select the part(s) that you would like to edit using the checkboxes.
  2. After the part(s) are selected, the Update option will become available.
  3. Select Bin, then select the bin you want to use for the update.

Adding a Part

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

To add a part to a repair order, it must first be added to your inventory. To add a part:

  1. Within Inventory, tap the Add Part option.
  2. When adding a part, there are two tabs: Add and Bulk Add.
  3. In the Add section:
    • If a bin has been added, you can associate the part with a specific bin by selecting the Bin option.
    • Select the System Code to associate with the part (if selecting system code 017 - Tires, see the Adding Tires section below).
    • After a System Code is selected, select the closest matching Part Type.
    • Add a unique Part Number and Part Description. While a Part Number is optional, it can help to prevent duplicate parts in inventory.
    • Set the Part Cost (a part markup can be set in Vendor rate card settings). If you would like the Part Cost of remaining inventory to be automatically averaged anytime inventory is modified, select Automatically adjust for average cost.
    • Add Warranty Conditions, if available.
    • Include the first inventory entry by adding an Initial Part Count, Initial Supplier, and an optional Goal Cost/Minimum/Maximum for future inventory. If you do not want to include any initial inventory when adding the part, set the Initial Part Count to 0.
    • Tap the Add button.
  4. In the Bulk Add section:
    • Select Initial Supplier (this will be associated with the initial inventory entry), Bin, and System Code options.
    • Enter multiple Part Number (optional), Part Description, Part Cost, Warranty Miles (optional), Warranty Years (optional), and Initial Part Count values, with each unique entry on a separate line.
    • If you do not want to include any initial inventory when adding the part, set the Initial Part Count to 0.
    • If you would like the Part Cost of remaining inventory to be automatically averaged anytime inventory is modified, select Automatically adjust for average cost.
    • Tap the Preview button to verify all the parts being added, then press the Confirm button once confirmed. Note that duplicate part numbers are not allowed.

Adding Tires

  1. If system code 017 - Tires is selected and the selected Part Type is a tire, you will see an option to Include Tire Detail.
  2. When selected, you will see additional options for Tire Brand, Product Line, Tire Size, and Tire Type.
  3. These additional options are used to provide detailed tire analysis within analytics.
  4. When a tire is added in the correct format, you'll see this icon next to the tire description:
  5. Note that Part Description is not available when adding tires (a description will be auto-generated based on the provided information).

Updating Parts

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

To update a part:

  1. Within Inventory, tap on the part that you would like to update.
  2. Under the General tab, you can update the Bin, System Code, Part Number, Part Cost, and/or Warranty Conditions. Please note that once a part is created, the Part Description cannot be edited because repair orders link directly to the part description. If the part description is not accurate, you can delete the part (if it hasn't already been used), or archive the part.
  3. If you would like Part Cost to automatically be set to the Average Cost every time inventory is modified, select Automatically adjust for average cost.
  4. Tap the Update button to update, or the Delete button if you would like to delete the part. If the part is being used in a repair order, it cannot be deleted (in this case, you can use the archive option).

Part Barcodes

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

To create a part barcode:

  1. Within Inventory, tap on the part that you would like to update.
  2. Under the Barcode tab, tap the Create Barcode button.
  3. Select the barcode Type, Color, and check/uncheck the option to Add Barcode ID below barcode.
  4. Tap the Create Barcode button to generate a usable barcode image. The barcode will automatically be linked to the part via the displayed Barcode ID.
  5. If you already have an existing barcode, enter that barcode text in the Custom ID field to link the existing barcode to the part.
  6. If a Custom ID has been entered, tap the Update button to save.
  7. Once a barcode has been configured and associated with a part, you can add the part by scanning a barcode (mobile app only).

To create barcode labels:

  1. After a barcode has been created, the Create Label button will become visible under the Barcode tab. Use this option to create a barcode label for a single part.
  2. To create barcode labels for multiple parts simultaneously, go back to the Inventory page, select the Parts tab, and select part(s) using the checkboxes.
  3. To create barcode labels for all parts on a purchase order simultaneously, go back to the Inventory page, select the Purchase Orders tab, and select PO(s) using the checkboxes.
  4. After the line item(s) are selected, the Update option will become available.
  5. Select Create Barcode Label.

Tagging a Part

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

Custom tag(s) can be added to parts, which can then be used as an additional filtering option. To tag a part:

  1. Within Inventory, tap on a part to view the part dialog window.
  2. Tap the option at the top of the part dialog window.
  3. Next, select the tag(s) you'd like to add to the part under the Available Tags tab, or create a new tag under the Create Tag tab.
  4. Tap the Update button.
  5. Note that part tags will be visible when adding parts to a repair order, and when adding parts to a purchase order.

Updating Inventory

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

Inventory can be updated automatically using purchase orders, or updated manually. To update part inventory manually:

  1. Within Inventory, tap on the part that you would like to update.
  2. Under the Inventory tab, you can add new inventory by tapping the Add Inventory button.
  3. To edit existing inventory additions, tap on the line item and adjust the Supplier, Part Count and/or Part Cost. Adjusting the Part Count to 0 will remove the line item altogether. Note that line items that were automatically added to inventory while marking a PO Received cannot be edited. Parts that are subtracted as a result of being added to a repair order are highlighted in yellow, and cannot be edited.
  4. After inventory is modified, the Total Count and Average Cost will be automatically calculated and displayed.
  5. The Primary Supplier option allows a primary supplier to be set on the part. When set, you will receive a warning if the part is added to a purchase order using a different supplier.
  6. The Goal Cost option allows a goal part cost to be set and used in analytics (Goal vs Actual Part Cost).

Inventory can be updated by manually reconciling. To reconcile inventory manually:

  1. Tap Options within Inventory and then select the Reconcile Inventory option.
  2. Enter the actual inventory count for each line item under the New Count heading.
  3. Tap the Update button to highlight differences between Count and New Count (exact matches will highlight in green, mismatches will highlight in red).
  4. If a mismatch has been found, you will have the option to automatically adjust inventory to match the New Count. If updated, an inventory line item will be added to make up the difference in count.

Inventory can also be updated by transferred from one part to another. To transfer inventory:

  1. Tap Options within Inventory and then select the Transfer Inventory option.
  2. Enter the updated (i.e. post-transfer) inventory count for each line item under the New Count heading. Note that any inventory added to one part must be offset by the removal of inventory from another part.
  3. Tap the Update button to complete the transfer. After transfer, an inventory line item is added to each part (a positive quantity to add, and a negative quantity to subtract).

Inventory Minimum/Maximum

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

To setup a part minimum and/or maximum:

  1. Within Inventory, tap on the part that you would like to update.
  2. Within the part, tap the Inventory tab.
  3. Enter the Minimum Inventory and/or Maximum Inventory numbers.
  4. Tap the Update button.

Inventory Triggers

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

Triggers can be setup to automatically perform tasks when certain events occur. To setup a trigger:

  1. Within Inventory, tap on the part that you would like to update.
  2. Within the part, tap the Triggers tab.
  3. Automatic Reorder - select this option to create an automatic purchase order when part quantity is below the Minimum Inventory.
    • Enter the Default Supplier, Reorder Price, Reorder Quantity, PO Tax Total, and PO Shipping Total.
    • Select PO Status, and then check Append to existing draft when available if you would like to append a line item to an already existing draft PO from the same supplier/vendor combination (if a draft PO from the same supplier/vendor combination does not already exist, a new PO will be created).
    • Verify that a Minimum Inventory value is set on the Inventory tab.
    • Tap the Update button.
  4. Used Inventory Prompt - select this option to be prompted to add used inventory to another part when adding parts to an RO.

Archiving Parts

NOTE: This option is available to Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.*

If you want to remove a part without deleting it, or if you want to remove a part that was used in a repair order (once a part is used in a repair order, it cannot be deleted), you can use the Archive option. After archiving a part, it will no longer be shown on your parts list unless you select the Archived status within Search. Also, the part will no longer be visible when adding parts during a repair order. To archive a part:

  1. Within Inventory, select the part(s) that you would like to archive using the checkboxes.
  2. After the part(s) are selected, the Update option will become available.
  3. Select Status, then Archived.

* Customers, Customer Admins, and Managers can also access these features, if the customer adds a Vendor user to their account.