Inspection Overview

Inspections on active units can be managed in the Inspections section of the platform. Failed inspections can quickly be converted into issues, and then converted into repair orders - all within the platform.

To get to the Inspections section, tap the Inspections option on the navigation menu.

Inspection Status

Inspections can have the following status:

  1. In Progress - This status means that the inspection has been started, but is not yet complete.
  2. Finished - This status means that the inspection has been completed.
  3. Deleted - This status means that the inspection has been deleted (NOTE: inspections with a deleted status will be permanently deleted after a period of time).

Adding an Inspection

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Lessee, Driver, Contact, Vendor, Vendor Admin, Supervisor, and Technician users.

To get started on a new inspection:

  1. Within Inspections, tap the Add Inspection option.
  2. Filter by Group(s), then select the Unit Number(s) you would like to add an inspection for.
  3. Select the Inspection Template you would like to use for the inspection.
  4. Add the inspection Due Date.
  5. Tap the Add button.

While creating a repair order, a finished inspection can be attached to notes by tapping the icon.

Managing Templates

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Vendor, and Vendor Admin users.

To add an inspection, you must either use an existing template, or create a new one. To update an inspection template that you previously created, or to create a new template:

  1. Within Inspections, tap the Manage Templates option.
  2. To create a new template, select Create new template... under the Inspection Template option. To update an existing template, select the existing template from the list.
  3. To add a new row to the template, tap the Add Row button. There are three types of rows that can be entered into a template:
    • Heading - Use this type of row to add a heading above sections. There is no response for this type of row.
    • Pass/Fail - Valid responses for this row are Pass, Fail, or N/A (a response is required to complete the inspection). If marked as Fail, you will see the option to create an Issue for this failure.
    • Free Text - This type of row allows free text to be entered (a response is required to complete the inspection).
  4. After the template is modified, tap the Save Updates button. If you would like to delete the template, delete all of the rows in the template and then tap the Delete Template button.