Groups Overview

All units added to the platform must be assigned to a Group. Groups can be arranged by hierarchy, with customized user access. Users granted access to a group will have access to all units within that group (the type of access will depend on the type of user). If the group that you have access to has child group(s), you will automatically have access to those groups as well.

To get to the Groups section, tap the Assets option on the navigation menu and then tap the Groups option.

Managing Groups

NOTE: This option is available to Customer and Customer Admin users.*

Once in the Groups section, you will see your groups in a tree/hierarchy format. Tapping on any group in the hierarchy will display the following tabs:

  • Edit Group - Here you can edit Group Name, Group Label, RO Settings, and/or delete the group. Note that a group cannot be deleted if the group has a repair order associated with it (in this case, the group data must first be transferred to another group prior to deletion).
  • Add Child - Here you can add a new group, which will automatically become the "child" of the selected group (i.e. the parent group). The parent group will automatically have access to all child groups. An optional Group Label can be included, which may be useful for data exporting purposes. RO Settings can also be set before adding the group.
  • Move Group - Here you can move the location of the group within the hierarchy by selecting a new parent group. NOTE: If you select the option Include child groups, the children of the selected group will move along with the selected group (unless you are moving to the top of the hierarchy - in this case, the child groups do not follow the selected group).
  • Transfer Data - Here you can transfer historic group data to another group:
    • Transfer From - Select Group (if you want to transfer all data from the selected group), Unit (if you want to transfer the historical group data from one unit only), or Repair Order (if you want to transfer the historical group data from one repair order only).
    • Transfer Group History To - Select the group you'd like to transfer the selected group history to. If you select Current Unit Group, the data will transfer to the group currently associated with the unit.
  • Budget - Here you can view/modify budgets at the group level. You can select from numerous budget types, and a planned and actual amount can be set for each month of the year. The difference in planned/actual is calculated and highlighted.

The Groups section also has the following options:

  • Manage Groups - This option allows for bulk adding and/or updating of groups.
  • Options - Additional options include:
    • Manage Budgets - This option allows for bulk adding and/or updating of group budgets (planned, and actual).
    • History - This option allows you to view significant historical events associated with each group.
    • Select All - This option allows you to select/deselect all group checkboxes for bulk updating.

RO Settings

NOTE: This option is available to Customer and Customer Admin users.*

Some repair order options are available to customize at the group level:

  1. Within Groups, select the group(s) you would like to modify using the checkboxes.
  2. Tap the Update option.
    • RO Approval Amount - If a repair order is above this dollar amount, an approval will be required. Leave blank if there is no approval required.
    • RO Approval Buffer - The dollar amount that an approved repair order can fluctuate by before requiring an additional approval.
    • Automatic PO # - When checked, a default PO Number will be added to the repair order.
    • RO Customer Display - By default, the company name from the Customer user's profile is displayed on repair orders. Use this setting to customize the company name by group.
    • RO Address Display - By default, the address from the Customer user's profile is displayed on repair orders. Use this setting to customize the address by group.

* Vendors can also access these features, if the vendor adds a Customer user and has that customer selected in Search