Assets Overview

The Assets section of the platform is the place to add, organize, and view all your units. Most functionality within the platform requires at least one vehicle to be added and activated.

To get to the Assets section, tap the Assets option on the navigation menu.

Unit Status

Units in the platform can have the following status:

  1. No Status - A unit with this status has not yet been activated in the platform, and will not be accessible.
  2. Active - A unit with this status has been activated, and is fully accessible.
  3. Deactivated - A unit with this status means that a once-active unit has been deactivated.

Adding Units

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.*

In order to perform a repair and/or track a unit in the platform, it must first be added. The platform allows you to add a single unit, or add multiple units at the same time. To add a unit(s):

  1. Within Assets, tap the Manage Units option.
  2. Select the Bulk Add tab.
  3. Select the Group you would like to add the unit(s) to, as well as the Type of unit(s).
  4. Enter in the VIN and Unit # (you may enter a single VIN, or enter multiple VINs on separate lines - if you do not add a corresponding Unit #, the VIN will become the default unit number).
  5. Optionally, enter in Mileage, Engine Hours, License Plate #, Registration State, Registration Expiration, Lease End Date, and/or Unit Notes (some options require the More Options... button to be tapped in order to become visible). Note that the number of entries for each option must match the number of VINs in order to sync properly when bulk adding.
  6. Tap the Preview button.
  7. On the preview screen, you will get a chance to review all the unit details in an organized grid format. Review all the details to make sure everything is correct.
  8. Tap the Confirm button if everything is correct, or tap the Cancel button to go back and edit. Once confirmed and the import begins, the platform will use the VIN to import many additional details about the unit from the US Department of Transportation (these can be viewed on the unit details page).

Unit Details

To view/edit details of any unit you have access to within Assets, tap the unit's row in the list. After selecting a unit, the following tabs will be available:

  • The General tab will contain additional Customer/Manager supplied unit data including License, Registration, Mileage, Engine Hours, Notes, and Attachments.
  • The VIN Data tab will contain all imported data from the US Department of Transportation.
  • The Financial tab will allow you to view/edit financial data including Cost Center, Acquisition Date, Starting Value, Monthly Depreciation, Sold Amount, and Lease information.
  • The Accessories tab will allow you to view/edit accessory information.
  • The Permits tab will allow you to view/edit permit information.
  • The Warranties tab will display unit and part Warranties.
  • The Repair Orders tab will display unit Repair Order history.
  • The Driver tab will allow you to view/edit driver information on this unit. This option is visible to Customer and Customer Admin users.
  • The Driver Logs tab will allow you to add Start Mileage, End Mileage, and Personal Mileage for each month of the year on this unit. This option will be visible to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, Driver, and Lessee users.
  • The Custom Data tab allows you to add custom unit data (Name/Value pairs) that doesn't fit within one of the existing sections. Custom data allows for role visibility customization and custom email/dashboard notifications. New custom data can be added by Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users*.
  • The Private tab is only visible to Vendor users, and provides an area for vendors to add information that isn't visible to customers (including notes, and tags).
  • The History tab will display unit change history (status, group, etc.). This option is visible to Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.

Tagging a Unit

NOTE: This option is available to Customer and Customer Admin users.

The platform allows customers to add custom tag(s) to their units, which can then be used as additional filters within analytics. To tag a unit:

  1. Within Assets, tap the unit's row in the list to view the Unit Detail page.
  2. On the Unit Detail page, tap the option at the top of the screen.
  3. Next, select the tag(s) you'd like to add to the unit under the Available Tags tab, or create a new tag under the Create Tag tab.
  4. Tap the Update button.

Adding a Driver

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.

The platform allows customers to link a unit to a driver, allowing access to additional functionality. To link a driver to a unit:

  1. Within Assets, tap the unit's row in the list.
  2. Select the Driver tab.
  3. Tap the Add Driver button.
  4. Select the driver (only Driver and Lessee users will be available to choose from), and Start Date.
  5. The End Date can be filled in if/when you deactivate the driver.
  6. Tap the Add Driver button.

Bulk Updating Units

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.*

Units that have been added to the platform can be updated individually, or updated in bulk. To update unit(s) in bulk:

  1. Within Assets, tap the Manage Units option.
  2. Select the Bulk Update tab.
  3. Next, select the Update Section you would like to modify on the unit(s):
    • The General section allows you to bulk edit the general user-supplied information about the unit.
    • The VIN Data section allows you to bulk update VIN data supplied by the DOT.
    • The Accessories section allows you to bulk add/update the accessories on the unit.
    • The Financial section allows you to bulk update lease and other financial information.
    • The Permits section allows you to bulk add/update unit permits.
    • The Driver section allows you to bulk assign drivers on each unit.
    • The Custom Data option allows you to bulk add/update your own custom unit data that does not fit into one of the available sections.
  4. After selecting a section, enter in the VIN(s) that you want to modify (you may enter a single VIN, or enter multiple VINs on separate lines). Note that you can only modify units that have already been added to the platform.
  5. Enter in the corresponding data in each available box. Note that the number of entries for each option must match the number of VINs in order to sync properly when bulk updating.
  6. Tap the Preview button.
  7. On the preview screen, you will get a chance to review all the unit details in an organized grid format. Review all the details to make sure everything is correct.
  8. Tap the Confirm button if everything is correct, or tap the Cancel button to go back and edit.

Updating Using Unit Numbers

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.

To bulk update units, a list of VINs is required. If you'd like to bulk update units with a list of Unit #s instead, you can generate the corresponding list of VINs and then copy the values into the VIN field when updating. To generate the corresponding list of VINs using a list of Unit Numbers:

  1. Within Assets, tap the Manage Units option.
  2. Select the Tools tab.
  3. In the top section, enter in the Unit #(s) that you want to convert to VIN(s) (you may enter a single Unit #, or enter multiple Unit #s on separate lines). Note that you can only view the VIN if the unit has been activated.
  4. Tap the View VIN button to generate a list of VINs that correspond with each Unit #.

Editing Units

NOTE: This option is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, and Vendor users.

After a unit has been added to the platform and assigned to a group, options are available to modify the status, group, type, and management of the unit(s):

  1. Within Assets, use the checkboxes to select one or more units.
  2. After a unit(s) is selected, the Update option will become available. Tap this button to view the available update options: Group, Type, Managed By, and Status.
  3. Group - Units can be assigned/re-assigned to groups by Customer and Customer Admin users.
  4. Type - The unit type can be set by Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.
  5. Managed By - Please contact us at (800) 685-6693 to upgrade unit(s) from self-managed to Fleetrock-managed.
  6. Status - Use this option to activate, deactivate, and delete units in the platform.
    • Active - Select this option to activate selected unit(s) and make them available to use in the platform. Activating a unit will add the unit to your subscription. All units that you activate under your subscription will have a icon next to Active. The option to activate is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, and Vendor users.
    • Deactivated - Select this option to deactivate the selected unit(s). Please note that you can only deactivate units that you have previously activated in a subscription. The option to deactivate is available to Customer, Customer Admin, Manager, and Vendor users.
    • Delete - Select this option to delete the selected unit(s). Please note that only units with No Status can be deleted. The option to delete is available to Customer, Customer Admin, and Manager users.
  7. Tag - Use this option to add customized tags to units. Before a tag can be added, it must first be created.

* Vendors can also access these features, if the vendor adds a Customer user and has that customer selected in Search