Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard section of the platform provides important notifications, and customized Analytics data. This is the default section when signing in to the platform.

To get to the Dashboard section, tap the Dashboard option on the navigation menu.

Dashboard Notifications

The dashboard provides several notifications (depending on your user type), with visibility customizable in settings. Dashboard notifications include:

  • Statements - Receive a notification when statements are 30 days (or more) overdue.
  • Assets - Receive a notification when registration/lease end/permit/custom data is expired/due.
  • Repair Orders - Receive a notification when a repair order is awaiting approval, overdue, and/or priority is set to Emergency/Breakdown.
  • Scheduled Maintenance - Receive a notification when a scheduled maintenance is almost due and/or overdue.
  • Issues - Receive a notification when there is an open issue.
  • Connections - Receive a notification when you have a new connection request.
  • Custom - Custom dashboard notifications can be configured in settings.

Dashboard Customization

NOTE: This option is available to all users except Technician and Contact.

Customize the dashboard to show the charts that are most meaningful to you and your organization. To customize charts:

  1. Go to the Analytics section.
  2. Select the report and filter(s) you would like to appear on the dashboard.
  3. Tap the Chart option (or the Table option, if you are viewing a custom report).
  4. Select Pin to Dashboard.
  5. If you have multiple dashboards, select which dashboard you would like to pin to.
  6. Enter a custom Report Name and select the Dashboard Location.
  7. Tap the Save button to pin the chart to your dashboard.
  8. Once a chart is pinned to your dashboard, you can edit the chart by going to the Dashboard section and tapping the icon in the upper-right corner of the chart. This option allows for editing the name of the chart, and also allows for chart deletion.

Creating Multiple Dashboards

NOTE: This option is available to all users except Technician and Contact.

Multiple dashboards can be configured to allow for greater dashboard flexibility. To create additional dashboards:

  1. Go to the Dashboard section.
  2. In the upper-right corner, tap the Dashboard Name option.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select New/Edit...
  4. Select the New Dashboard tab to create a new dashboard, or the Edit Dashboard tab to update/delete an existing dashboard (at least one dashboard is required).
  5. Once you have multiple dashboards, you can toggle between them by tapping Dashboard Name in the upper-right corner.

Copying Dashboards

NOTE: This option is available to Customer and Customer Admin users.

Dashboards can be copied to other users, and will appear as an additional dashboard in their account. To copy one or more of your dashboards to another account:

  1. Within Users, use the checkboxes to select one or more users.
  2. After a user(s) is selected, the Update option will become available. Tap this button to view the available update options.
  3. Select Add Dashboard to add one of your dashboards to the select user(s).
  4. Next, select the Dashboard that you would like to copy from your account, enter the Dashboard Name as it should appear on the target account(s), and then select whether or not the dashboard should be the Default Dashboard (i.e. if it should appear as the selected dashboard the next time that user visits their dashboard).
  5. To finish adding the copied dashboard to the user(s), tap the Add button.